KSS and AZ GCC Prievidza 2017

Prievidza, Slovensko,   13. května 2017 – 21. května 2017



The ZAR Aero Club together with Karkonosze Gliding Association (KSS) will run a gliding competition in Club and MIX (15+18m) Classes GCC PRIEVIDZA 2017, at the Prievidza (Slovak Republic) airfield. The competition will start on May 13th, 2017 and will end on May 20th, 2017. May 21st, 2017 will be the reserve day. Web page: www.gcc2017.pl.


Basic rules:

1. We invite pilots who feel comfortable with flying in mountains.

2. Simultaneously we will run a Cross Country Gliding Camp WOP GCC PRIEVIDZA 2017 aimed at training and improvement of cross country gliding skills. Entries under WOP fold at: www.gcc2017.pl web page. We will have our own double-seater, however having own glider is highly advisable.

3. Training days have been scheduled on May 11-12, 2017.

4. Entry fee EUR 99.- GCC for Competition and EUR 50.- for the Camp to be paid until Feb 28th, 2017 to the bank account of Karkonoskie Stowarzyszenie Szybowcowe, ul. Dluga 61, PL58-521 Jezow Sudecki, Poland, Account No.PL64249000050000460018606493.

We guarentee full refund of the entry fee in case of resignation, latest on May 5th, 2017.

Prices: Airtow to 600 m EUR 30.- Airtow during training days EUR 3/min.

6. Lodging EUR 9/night in the Prievidza Air Club rooms (3 persons), at the camp EUR 7/night/person, or in numerous pension houses nearby. We offer an assistance with bookings.

7. Entries at: www.gcc2017.pl  in GCC 2017 fold -the Competition and WOP fold - the Camp

8. The Coordinator of the GCC PRIEVIDZA 2017 Competition is Mr Leszek Wołosowicz: elektroluxwlodawa@poczta.onet.pl, phone +48 825721367, mob. +48 506050021.

9. The Coordinator of the PRIEVIDZA 2017 Camp is Ms Manuela Lekawska: manuelalekawska@gmail.com, phone +420 605896087.

10. General information Mr Ryszard Bendkowski, dah@interia.eu, phone +48 601301604

Zapsal: Andrej Kolar , 15. května 2017 6:27.

Poslední vítěz

1. Marek Niewiadomy 69,11 km/h
2. Wojciech Wojtaczka 68,08 km/h
3. Grzegorz Gląb 65,41 km/h
Aktualizováno: 17.07.17 6:28

Poslední úloha

Úloha 7, 19. 5. 2017
Vzdálenost v úloze: 108,91 km  /  332,82 km  (214,63 km)
Čas úlohy: 3:00:00
Aktualizováno: 19.05.17 17:42