Junior World Gliding Championships 2007

Rieti, Italija,   29. julij 2007 – 11. avgust 2007

First launch expected at 12.30!!!!!

Briefing is over tasks are set!

Club class; 289,1 km. polygon with 5 points
Standard class; 368,5 km. polygon with 4 points

With 25.dgr. and a humidity of 48 %, both crews and pilots can look ahead at a great first competition day with longer tasks!
First launch will be at 12.30.

Mr. Portman, president of the FAI, declared the 5th FAI Junior World Championships open at the start of the briefing.
All pilots got an umbrella , no not for rain , at least not this week, but to avoid “overheating of the pilot”. TC’ are expecting a little present, so was announced by Marina.

The weather seems really good as even the president of the Italian Gliding Federation Andrea Tomasi nodded enthusiastically after the good weather news_small was presented. Look for details at the meteo site. What I picked up is; Instable, lot’s of energy, high clouds, seabreeze, weak cold front with change of wind late in the afternoon, 2,5/3m climbs and decreasing thermal activity after 6.

TRACKERS will be in 7 gliders. The best 7 pilots from the practice week in each class. Later during the day I will have a look in the VPOS room to see how the pilots perform.

The safety committee was formed ; Visa Matti Leiniki as steward , Belgium pilot Bert Schmelzer in Standard class and British pilot Mark Holden from Club class .We hope they do not have a too busy job, which means that ALL pilots fly safe!!

The organizers got an email from Mr. Ross Macintyre. He was supposed to be the jury member and due circumstances beyond his control he can not be here. That’s why I had to take over as juror. Here is his message;

“ To all competitors and crews and officials of the FAI World Junior Championships. I wish you all the best of luck and fair weather for these championships. I very much regret that circumstances have meant that it was impossible to be with you as one of the Jury. I shall follow the results with interest.” Ross Macintyre.

We are also sorry that he is not here !

It is always nice to see pilots as visitors of such a big event. Today I caught up with Belgium friend Arnaud Stouffs and his family . They stay here for a week , visiting Roma and will “hang around “ here too.
See you later during the day.

Napisano dne 30. avgust 2007 22:35.

Zadnji zmagovalec

1. David Riha 111,77 km/h
2. Simon Barker 110,07 km/h
3. Anze Vidovic 111,96 km/h
1. Stefan Leutenegger 121,20 km/h
1. Jérémie Badaroux 121,18 km/h
3. Felix Schneebeli 120,86 km/h
4. Felix Loth 114,20 km/h

Najnovejša naloga

Naloga 10, 9. avg. 2007
Razdalja naloge: 186,44 km
Posodobljeno: 21. 05. 15 06:23
Naloga 1, 25. jul. 2007
Razdalja naloge: 264,52 km
Posodobljeno: 21. 05. 15 06:23