Auckland Soaring Championships 2020

Drury, Nový Zéland,   4. ledna 2020 – 11. ledna 2020

Úloha 6, Enterprise, 10. ledna 2020

Typ úlohy: Notes (v1)
Otočný bod Vzdálenost Směr Pozorovací oblast
QUST Stevenson Quarry 3,43 km 340,7° Cylinder R=3,00 km
TAHU Tahuna 62,72 km 133,0° Cylinder R=0,50 km
GORD Gordon 36,01 km 126,6° Cylinder R=0,50 km
OKOR Okoroire 27,48 km 185,5° Cylinder R=0,50 km
NZTH Thames AF 91,25 km 345,7° Cylinder R=0,50 km
HODV HotelDvin 35,99 km 264,4° Cylinder R=0,50 km
NZDR Drury AF 18,09 km 302,3° Cylinder R=3,00 km
Celkem: 271,53 km

Poznámky k úloze

START Off Tow within Circle 3Km
FINISH Circle 3Km radius @500ft

OKOR (Variable) = 50 pts
NZTH (Variable) = 50 pts
GORD ( Variable)= 50 pts
TAHU (Variable) = 100 pts
Hotel De Vin (Variable) (Not First) = 50pts
Free Distance FAI TRIANGLE = 1pt per KM

G276 Hunua CLOSED
G253 – Maramarua – 12:00 – 18:00
G254 – Matamata - 12:30: to 18:00
G255 – Karapiro - 12:30: to 18:00
G481 – Tokoroa - 12:30: to 17:00

Drury 134.45
Mercer 133.05 (MBZ)
Peninsular CFZ & Thames 124.5
Harbour CFZ 123.65
Matamata MBZ 122.25
Contest 133.55
Bay Approach (Christchurch) 119.5