PMCR & pre jWGC2022

Tábor, Česká republika,   22. května 2021 – 5. června 2021

Úloha 9, Club Class, 1. června 2021

Typ úlohy: rr (v2)
Otočný bod Vzdálenost Směr Pozorovací oblast
007SPKOSICE 8,30 km 334,7° Páska 10,00 km
429POLNA 70,82 km 75,2° Cylinder R=0,50 km
343MILEVSKO 95,24 km 267,5° Cylinder R=0,50 km
088CESKEVELENICE 84,07 km 150,4° Cylinder R=0,50 km
001SPTABOR 66,65 km 345,4° Cylinder R=4,00 km
Celkem: 316,78 km

Poznámky k úloze

Runway in use: 30
GRID: Open:09:10-09:30 15M:08:30-08:50 Club:08:50-09:10 Grid closed:09:30
First launch expected: 11:00 CEST
Competition and safety frequency 120,540 MHz for launch, start, finish and landing
QNH: 1020hPa, Tábor elevation: 439 m, Max. altitude on task: FL 95
Release altitude 600m AAL/1039 m MSL
Pre-start altitude limit: NOT APPLIED TODAY
Finish ring altitude: 600 m MSL
Finish ring closed: sunset or end of scoring, end of daylight 20:59
Other restricted and prohibited airspaces according to ICAO situation
Outlanding reports: +420 725 938 233
CD phone number: +420 724 257 769
Emergency call No. 112
IGC FILES: by email to (CN in subject)