Cambridge Cloud Rally 2019

Gransden Lodge, Vereinigtes Königreich,   10. August 2019 – 18. August 2019

Welcome to the Cambridge Cloud Rally

The Cambridge Cloud Rally is an unrated competition held by the Cambridge Gliding Centre. It is a sociable and fun week with some competitive flying, open to all CGC & CUGC members and to good friends of CGC, especially past members.
The competition element of the Cloud Rally is aimed at offering something that gives a taste of a Regionals without the more daunting aspects, and to encourage less experienced or less bold pilots to do some cross-country flying. There are two classes flying Distance Handicapped Tasks, with the Racer Class being highly competitive and the Funster Class more relaxed.
Weather forecasting, tasksetting and scoring are like any other major competition and there is a retrieve pool so that nobody has to worry about crew or being left in a field. There is onsite catering throughout the week and of course the bar will be well-stocked to aid the organised (and some less organised) social activities in the evenings.
It’s meant to be serious fun for all, whether flying competitively or just enjoying the sociable atmosphere.

Geschrieben von: Robert Pursey am 17. Juli 2019 um 20:44.

Letzte Sieger

1. Davis & Hooson 144,64 km
2. Holloway & Cronshaw 113,24 km
3. Team Perkoz 102,02 km
Aktualisiert: 01.09.19, 10:23
1. Phil Jeffery 126,13 km/h
2. Graham Drury 105,94 km/h
3. Terry Slater 103,91 km/h
Aktualisiert: 01.09.19, 17:10

Letzte Aufgabe

Wertungstag 6, 18.08.2019
Aufgabengröße: 138,46 km
Aktualisiert: 18.08.19, 09:36
Wertungstag 6, 18.08.2019
Aufgabengröße: 156,35 km
Aktualisiert: 18.08.19, 09:23