Northern Regionals 2009

United Kingdom,   August 1, 2009 – August 9, 2009

Morning everyone

joomla counter

 Hello all,


 What a fantastic balloon competition we had!  There were some stunning entries.  I've put a lot of pictures in the gallery, but above is the best photo of the night so far.  Congratulations to Andy Darlington on what was the only balloon to return to the club for a second flight. The competition team's balloon also did well, eventually dissappearing through the inversion and into the stratosphere, as did Nick Gaunt's.  Honourable mentions to Robin Starling, Steve Wilkinson, Sue Aherne, Peter Ryland, Reg Watson, amongst many others.  Jack Stephens made the biggest balloon of all.  If only we could have made it fly...

 I'm also pleased to still be receiving monkey photos.  Here are some of Mike Pope's competition entries.



Apparently today we are suffering from what the metman terms a 'wobbly front'.  The weather will clear, but no one knows when.  The uncertainty has been doing strange things to poor Steve, our metman.




However, we have set three tasks and decided not to rebrief but to grid and call a launch as soon as sensible.  Wish us luck guys!  Below is our optimism cross-section for the day :)



Written on August 6, 2009 at 8:06 AM.

Latest task

Task 1, Jul 31, 2010
Task distance: 0.00 km
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:29 AM