Slovenia,   April 4, 2008 – April 6, 2008


Weather was finnaly on our side, we could set nice task today. Because of still some bora wind we decided for more local task, but also more tricky. First part of the task we flew fast, with thermals up to 8m/s, later sky become 80% covered and we had to speed down and fly smart. Well, the smartest pilot today is Tomaz Erzen with tactical decision. He flew his own way from turnpoint Deskle (more to the south) and beated Podobnik and other band for more than 10 minutes. Primoz had some problems with instrument, so official on second place is Matej Ceglar and finally good results and podium also for Joze Molek! Tomorrow we will try do to fast task before rain starts...

Written on April 5, 2008 at 7:07 PM.

Latest winner

1. Tomaž Eržen 19.18 km/h
2. Matej Ceglar 17.46 km/h
3. Jože Molek 17.45 km/h

Latest task

Task 1, Apr 5, 2008
Task distance: 47.65 km
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:25 AM