LX Navigation Club Class Nationals 2016

Pocklington, United Kingdom,   28 May 2016 – 5 June 2016


CN Contestant Club Glider Class Handicap
GW Tom Arscott Lasham Std. Cirrus Club 99.7
JHH Stefan Astley Dunstable Cirrus Std. Club 99.7
968 Christopher Bowden Sleap ASW 20 Club 108
EKP Jake Brattle Bristol and Gloucester DG 100 Club 98.6
528 G Dale Lasham Std. Libelle Club 98.5
HKY Mark Davis London GC Discus Club 107.5
733 Susie Edwards Lasham Mosquito Club 106.3
LL Andy Elliott Bicester Std. Libelle Club 97.7
W11 Will Ellis Lasham Hornet Club 100.8
490 Steve Eyles Bristol and Gloucester LS 4 Club 104
TP Timothy Fletcher Bath Wilts and North Dorset Std. Libelle Club 97.2
1Z Christopher Gill Sutton Bank DG 200 Club 107
T5 George Green Essex and Suffolk Discus Club 107
WH Claudia Hill Oxford LS 4 Club 104
FRZ Shaun Lapworth Lasham Std. Cirrus Club 100.2
V5 Stuart Law Bicester Discus Club 107.8
246 Carol Marshall Dorset LS 7 Club 105.7
VS Tim Milner Wolds Std. Cirrus Club 99.8
HGG Christope Mutricy Bristol and Gloucester Std. Cirrus Club 99.3
FTJ Stephen Nock Trent Valley Std. Jantar Club 100.8
264 Greg O'Hagan Bristol and Gloucester LS 4 Club 104
51 Jeremy Pack Lasham Std. Cirrus Club 100
DAS Andy Parish Sutton Bank Std. Cirrus Club 99.8
L18 J Richards Seahawk Std Libelle Club 96.5
P61 Sam Roddie Wolds Cirrus Std. Club 99.7
524 Derrick Roddie Wolds ASW 24 Club 105.8
873 Liz Sparrow Lasham Std. Cirrus Club 99.2
HAT Jack Stephen Deeside DG 200 Club 106.6
449 Brian Stott Wolds LS 4 Club 104
J34 Ayala Truelove Lasham Std. Libelle Club 97.4
JVE Steve Wilkinson Wolds PIK 20 D Club 102.3
CVL John Williams Trent Valley Std Libelle Club 97
7X Stephen Woolcock Cambridge LS 7 WL Club 107.1
EFW Haluk Yildiz Cambridge Slingsby. T-65 Vega Club 98

Latest winner

1. Derrick Roddie 63.66 km/h
2. G Dale 60.16 km/h
3. Ayala Truelove 59.34 km/h
Updated: 12/06/2016, 07:37

Latest task

Task 1, 28 May 2016
Task distance: 159.99 km
Updated: 04/06/2016, 13:35