2015 Sylmar Dahlsten Cup

Los Angeles Intl, États-Unis,   26 septembre 2015 – 26 septembre 2015


1 09 Ron Keinan 1 000
2 04 Greg Kendall 732,868
3 06 Jim Thompson 638,011

Scoring irregularities

Well after some manual scoring, I've corrected all of the problems and the points are as published. Final


Not quite sure why the program script didn't detect the crossings correctly.

Below are the details of the comp. Points relate to points available:

First number for distance

Second number for speed or leading

Third for arrival position

Last number is the total of the 3




Ecrit le 29 septembre 2015 03:41.

2015 Sylmar Dahlsten Cup dates published

  Contest Format: This is our annual club competition to award the best pilot with the Dahlsten Cup. For all of you would be champions, this is your chance since Rob Burgis has decided to retire from the Dahlsten Cup, come and get it! There is no cost for SHGA pilots. There is no rain date set, and based on the current forecast, conditions look great. All pilots must have a current USHPA rating card on their person and must either be a SHGA club member in good standing (meaning your dues are pai...
Lire la suite…

Ecrit le 26 août 2015 20:54.

Dernier vainqueur

1. Ron Keinan 36,22 km/h
2. Greg Kendall 31,69 km/h
3. Jim Thompson 27,56 km/h
Mise à jour : 28/09/2015 20:00

Dernière épreuve

Epreuve 1, 26 sept. 2015
Distance de l'épreuve : 56,65 km
Durée de l'épreuve : 14:00:00
Mise à jour : 27/09/2015 12:34

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