35th World Gliding Championships

Hosin, République tchèque,   28 juillet 2018 – 11 août 2018

Epreuve 9, Libre, 7 août 2018

Version de l'épreuve : start time task B (v4)
Point de virage Distance Direction Zone d'observation
001SP01HOSIN 5,00 km 298,4° Ligne 10,00 km
172HERSTEJN 138,31 km 291,0° Cylindre R=0,50 km
565TREMSIN 77,14 km 81,7° Cylindre R=0,50 km
181HORAZDOV 27,61 km 188,8° Cylindre R=0,50 km
001SP01HOSIN 60,24 km 118,4° Cylindre R=5,00 km
Total : 303,31 km

Notes sur l'épreuve

Runway in use: 06
GRID: 08:00-09:45 for all classes
Competition frequency 128.525 MHz for launch, start, finish and landing
Safety frequency: use 128,525 MHz
First launch expected: 11:30 CEST
QNH: 1016 hPa, Hosin elevation: 494 m, Max. altitude on task: FL 95
Release height 600m AAL/1092 m MSL
Finish ring altitude: 692 m MSL
Finish ring closed: sunset or end of scoring, end of daylight 21:10
Other restricted and prohibited airspaces according to ICAO situation
Emergency frequency 121,500 MHz
Plana Airport (FREQ 135,930-Budejovice-info)
MOBIL CD: +420 602 284 272, Ludek Kluger +420 777 045 540, Emergency call No. 112
IGC FILES: by email to igc@pohoda.com (CN in subject)
OUTLANDING REPORT: https://lowcrop.aero/wgc2018h/

Espaces aériens inactifs : LKTSA5 BRDY, LKTSA5A BRDY, LKTSA5C BRDY, TSA JINCE CON2017