38th Australian Club and Sports Class Nationals

Lake Keepit, Avstralija,   31. december 2018 – 11. januar 2019

Skupni rezultati za Sports po nalogi 3

# OP TO Tekmovalec Klub Jadralno letalo Handicap Skupno
1 G1 Adam Woolley Kingaroy Soaring Club Ventus 2 1030 2.847
2 PT Pete Temple Adelaide Soaring Club ASG 29/18m 1075 2.671
3 1 OG Ailsa McMillan Gliding Club of Victoria JS 1 Revelation 1075 2.605
4 4 HS Lisa Turner Kingaroy Soaring Club ASG 29/18m 1075 2.430
5 1 LT Lisa Trotter Kingaroy Soaring Club LS 8 1010 2.382
6 3 N2 Terry Cubley Gliding Club of Victoria Ventus 2cxT/18m 1070 2.380
7 2 P1 Peter Trotter Kingaroy Soaring Club LS 8 1010 2.374
8 1 DS Dave Shorter Lake Keepit Soaring Club JS 1 Revelation 1075 2.259
9 1 V8 Matthew Atkinson Lake Keepit Soaring Club Ventus 2cxa 18m 1070 2.258
10 3 FQF Rolf Buelter Geelong Gliding Club LS 8T/18m 1025 2.172
11 3 FA Tim Wilson Gliding Club of Victoria ASG 29E/18m 1075 2.145
12 MT Jacques Graells Lake Keepit Soaring CLub LS 6 1015 2.096
13 4 KRJ Cath Conway Adelaide University Gliding Club Ventus 2cxT/18m 1070 2.086
14 3 JT Mike Codling Darling Downs Soaring Club ASW 27 1030 1.952
15 T1 Kerrie Claffey Soar Narromine ASG 29/18m 1075 1.945
16 YL Jay Anderson Lake Keepit Soaring Club JS 1 Revelation 1075 1.785
17 1 MM Diana Schuit Outback Soaring Discus 2cT/18m 1030 1.632
18 1 LS Simon Holding Alice Springs Gliding Club LS 10/18m 1070 1.162
19 SO Akemi Ichikawa Lake Keepit Soaring Club Discus 2 1010 933
20 1BT Robert Smits Alice Springs Gliding Club ASW 17 1030 594
21 F1 Nick Singer Lake Keepit Soaring Club JS 1 Revelation 1075 576