Booker Regionals 2016

Wycombe, Velika Britanija,   02. julij 2016 – 10. julij 2016

Forecast done and task setting in progress

Just a couple more stragglers to register. Rigging in progress. Grid on 24 before briefing at 10:00. Grid Marshall will meet you on the airfield and provide grid order.

Sources close to the organisers tell me that the forecast is good, but windy, and the task setters are preparing task sheets.

Napisal: RedKite Control dne 02. julij 2016 07:41.

Zadnji zmagovalec

HC Tim Scott 70,82 km/h
1. Nils Wedi 70,34 km/h
2. John Otty 58,39 km/h
Posodobljeno: 15. 07. 16 06:11

Najnovejša naloga

Naloga 7, 8. jul. 2016
Razdalja naloge: 134,79 km
Posodobljeno: 8. 07. 16 10:49