Central Plateau 2010

Nova Zelandija,   30. oktober 2010 – 06. november 2010

Day 2 - Tuesday 2nd Nov

After yesterdays struggle, finally, it all seems to be coming together. The forecast is great and the sky looks great. The persistant easterly we have had has died down to 5 kts or so and is tending NE on the airfield. The thicker overcast to the east that has been bothering us for the last 2 days seems to have gone altogether, and the sky is looking good.

 Task is set and everyone is lanched. Start gate opened 1:39 pm, with several starts called immediately

Napisano dne 02. november 2010 01:39.

Zadnji zmagovalec

1. Brett Hunter 209,00 km
2. Alan Belworthy 181,00 km
3. Roland Van der Wal 154,76 km

Najnovejša naloga

Naloga 6, 6. nov. 2010
Razdalja naloge: 127,79 km  /  316,10 km  (223,47 km)
Trajanje naloge: 2:30:00
Posodobljeno: 21. 05. 15 06:34