Central Plateau Contest November 2023

Taupo, Nova Zelandija,   04. november 2023 – 12. november 2023

Day 2

The 1000 briefing described an OK start to the day, but not a great forecast. 

Before setting a task, however, it was prizegiving time from yesterday; a day which did fulfill its promise and although not easy, gave some great flying.

Results were; Open Class - 1st.Tim Bromhead, 2nd.Tony vanDyk, 3rd.Dave Jensen

                     Racing Class - 1st.Trace Austin,  2nd.Craig Hunter,  3rd.Peter Cook.

The Met briefing contained good news and bad news. It was good to the Northwest, but the cloudbase was quite low around the field and there was severe bad weather approaching from the Southeast which could have made it impossible to get home, so the day was cancelled. Only one intrepid aviator went flying, and he had a boomer, keeping an eye on the approaching thunderstorms which in the end mostly went around us.

Tomorrow is not looking great either, but later in the week is looking good. C'est la vie. In the meantime everyone is enjoying the camaraderie and the meals!




Napisal: Hugh de Lautour dne 06. november 2023 00:47.

Zadnji zmagovalec

1. Steve Foreman 180,82 km
Posodobljeno: 12. 11. 23 16:33

Najnovejša naloga

Naloga 8, 12. nov. 2023
Razdalja naloge: 169,74 km  /  249,71 km  (209,72 km)
Trajanje naloge: 2:00:00
Posodobljeno: 12. 11. 23 09:49
Naloga 8, 12. nov. 2023
Razdalja naloge: 97,10 km  /  217,01 km  (157,03 km)
Trajanje naloge: 2:00:00
Posodobljeno: 12. 11. 23 10:07