Fly-Pink Cup 2015 ( Women Competition )

Ferrara, Italija,   30. maj 2015 – 07. junij 2015

5th June

Today, June the 5th, gliders started again to fly in Ferrara’s competitions. There are about 15 outlandings because of the difficulties for dry thermals, especially in Ferrara's area, and because of the fast changing conditions. Instead, in the west and north zone of the task there were cumulus and climbing values around 2m/s. Clara

Napisal: clara bartolini dne 05. junij 2015 18:11.

Zadnji zmagovalec

1. Elizabeth Sparrow 63,77 km/h
2. Viktoria Vadaszi 61,07 km/h
3. Zarina Bagaeva 55,91 km/h
Posodobljeno: 9. 06. 15 20:23

Najnovejša naloga

Naloga 7, 7. jun. 2015
Razdalja naloge: 170,70 km
Posodobljeno: 9. 06. 15 18:23