Northern Regionals 2009

United Kingdom,   1 August 2009 – 9 August 2009

Wednesday morning...

myspace live counter

Morning everyone.  Looks a bit tricky this morning, but first I've been asked to remind people of the remaining social events for the week.  Don't forget to check in case I've forgotten anything important! Oh, and if you email me using the form on this webpage, could you please put your own email address and name in the body of the message?  Soaringspot keeps all your data secret from me so that I can't reply...

 Wednesday 5th August -  BBQ and Falconry Display by Ben Potter.

Saturday 9th August - Thai banquet and cocktail night in the bar (tickets from the office).

We're also hoping that tonight might be the night for our hot air balloon competition.  Those of you unable to join us will have missed the cacophony of gluing, hammering, sticking, melting, burning, and debating that has accompanied Andy's call for a home-made hot air balloon competition.  I've been doing some espionage and some of the entries look very impressive.  I'll see if I can't sneak a photo or two later.

The monkey photo competition is still raging.  Here are a few of my favourites so far.


Monkey performing his ablutions, Monkey at the seaside, and one which the photographer mysteriously titled 'To infinity and beyond':


On to the weather now, and a word from the Metman, who says that

"Today's cross-section is based on an earlier-than-forecast frontal clearance and indicates the conditions that we would hope to get if this occurs."

Here's to hoping!


Written on 5 August 2009 at 07:36.

Latest task

Task 1, 31 Jul 2010
Task distance: 0.00 km
Updated: 21/05/2015, 06:29